
Providing Data for Decisions in Marketing
Market Research Consulting
At DecisionPoint Consulting we realize those critical moments result in real-life outcomes that generate bottom-line impact. So our market research company take our work seriously. We strive for excellence on our clients’ behalf. We employ current technologies to facilitate data collection and use statistical methodologies to analyze research data. We engage only the most skilled facilitators and we recruit the best qualified participants.
Our Services
We realize that when it comes to market and legal research, little details can make a big difference. A specific question can direct a focus group discussion. An under or over-represented demographic can change the resulting marketing strategy. An experienced facilitator can uncover a wealth of rich anecdotal data and a mock jury trial can prepare legal counsel to present the most persuasive arguments. For us, the bottom line is to help our clients strategically advance their strategy and achieve their goals. Our market research consulting, mock jury, and recruitment services in Canton Ohio and surrounding areas have helped many clients like you.
About Us
That critical moment when a decision must be made...Go left or right?...Abandon product development or invest more resources and press forward?...Settle a lawsuit or fight with reckless abandon?...Amend the strategy or just ditch it?...Two roads diverge and a decision must be made.
At DecisionPoint Consulting we realize those critical moments result in real-life outcomes that generate bottom-line impact. So we take our work seriously. We strive for excellence on our clients’ behalf. We employ current technologies to facilitate data collection and use statistical methodologies to analyze research data. We engage only the most skilled facilitators and we recruit the best qualified participants.
We know that to keep pace with the speed of business we need to be agile in our approach. We work in teams and believe that partnering with our clients for the long-term is the best approach to success. We manage every project focused on the realization that our work impacts your decision-making abilities.

How Market Research Consulting Works?

An Agile Methodology
Our market research consultants know that budgets are tight and timelines are even tighter. Yet, competitive advantage cannot be compromised. We employ an Agile methodology which offers our clients efficiencies in speed and cost. We design each market research study based on traditional research methods and incorporate technology at every vantage point to give our clients real-time data and the ability to make decisions faster.
Strategic Market Research
Too often market research is conducted without a strategic focus and while it generates data, the information acquired is ineffective for driving business strategy and answering the most pressing marketing questions. Our market research company understands the gravity of the flawed approach. we realize the investment our clients make in conducting Primary market research and know it needs to provide accurate data relevant to making operational decisions that achieve business goals. We deploy strategy through listening to your needs and prescribing and methodology that will glean the information you seek. This approach, when complimented by Secondary market research provides our clients with well-rounded and accurate portrayal of their customers and markets.

Quantitative Research
When you need to determine what a larger number of customers are thinking, our market research company’s quantitative research capabilities deliver data that answers our clients’ most challenging questions surrounding their market, customers, products, competitors, packaging, and marketing methods. Our infrastructure and use of relevant technology allows us to collect data from sample populations of all sizes resulting in a more accurate understanding of the targeted audience and a more strategic position for decision-making. Our national database of over 40,000 screened survey participants is readily available or we can recruit a completely unique audience. Our brand marketing strategy consultant like the challenging questions, not the easy ones, and our market research professionals are skilled at developing and managing all aspects of the project from design through data collection to analysis and reporting.
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research methods are used to dig deeper into what customers are thinking and learn why they think or feel a certain way and what motivates their decision-making. Qualitative research is conducted to gauge overall satisfaction with the company’s product or services, guide new product development, determine branding effectiveness, explore design and packaging concepts, determine marketing message effectiveness and identify the impact of pricing on buying behavior. While the data is richer and more helpful for answering strategic business questions, procuring these deeper attitudes and beliefs can be a more challenging process. Our brand strategy consultant engage proven facilitators with excellent facilitation skills and experience developing questions that encourage and engage participants. By employing technologies that measures anecdotal feedback, our market research consultants are able to provide our clients robust opinions, high-quality data and general trends information.

Focus Groups
A well-designed and facilitated focus group is both art and science for our marketing strategy consultants. as it creates a meaningful and relevant dialog among participants on a specific topic or issue. Once our client’s goals and objectives are clearly defined, the demographics of the participants and identified and venue selected including our mobile technology that allows us to record and stream to a cloud-based platform. This allows for a full transcription and AI analysis. We use conference rooms around the country. Our marketing and strategy consultants employ expert facilitators who are skilled at managing group dynamics and encouraging meaningful dialog. We engage technology in the presentation of information to participants and the focus groups hosted in our facility can be viewed from our private viewing room and/or recorded for later review and analysis. Additional information on our Pulse Point Facility can be found here.
Individual And In-depth Interviews
Our marketing strategy company skillfully designs interview processes and we employ the most current interview techniques to conduct Individual Interviews. Usually used to help identify trends, learn more about customers needs and opinions and identify the best marketing vehicles to connect with the target audience, these interviews are conducted face-to-face, over the telephone and online. In some instances, computerized telephone surveys can be an equivalent option for this kind of interview. When more detailed, sensitive or emotionally charged information is needed, market research company design an In-Depth Interview process that establishes rapport and encourages participants to open-up and reveal information that otherwise may be guarded. The combination of a well-designed process and exceptional interpersonal skills on behalf of the interviewer, these interviews can provide more accurate and truthful responses. While most effective when in person, In-Depth Interviews can also be conducted via telephone and online. If you're in search of market research facilities for your business strategy, contact us today! Our marketing research consulting company will guide you through.


Join Our Panel
Are you interested in sharing your opinions to help businesses build better products, market to "you" or simply understand your opinion on important social issues? If so, please consider inclusion in our Respondent Database, our "Panel". As an active respondent you will be contacted for opportunities to answer online surveys, telephone or in-person interviews or participate in focus groups. All of which provide an opportunity for you to be compensated for your time and opinions.